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Operations Control - Batch workload under control

Since the invocation of Message Drive -Beans is unfortunately not a part of the JEE / JMS standard and it is individually implemented by each JMS provider, the producer offers his more or less efficient tools for the control parallelism of MDBs.

Especially with parallel batch programs in clustered environments, the operation of the management of the parallelism is, depending on the chosen application server and JMS provider, difficult without an additional tool.

Operations Control provides the following functions:

  • Producer independency through the use of a flexible plug-in architecture
  • Overview of the status and current parallelism of MDB instances distributed within the Cluster and Cell
  • Grouping and Filtering of instances according to Name, Cluster, Node, etc.
  • Start or stop of individual or whole groups of MDBs
  • Presentation grouped according to MDB instances or underlying queue