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EDH - Organized Document Exchange

The exchange of documents with external partners is usually done through a multitude of channels. Those commonly entail a first gateway component in the extranet, through which the documents are delivered partner specific via the fitting internet protocol (HTTPS, SFTP, SSH, SMTP, SOAP, ...). The documents then usually make their way to the intranet asynchronically through various security systems.

Depending on the channel and gateway used, the documents then need to be fetched by the corresponding applications. Without standardization in this area, the document reception is implemented individually by each application. In this area, the "Enterprise Document Hub" enables a standardization of the interface to the core applications.

Based on the asynchronous architecture of the hub there will also be a decoupling between the sender and the receiver system. This results in a decreased error rate of the internal systems and therefore in reduced operating costs.

The EDH has the following characteristics:

  • The core applications have a consistent interface available for the document reception
  • Configuration of the document receotion can easily be done by the developper and checked in in the configuration managment system
  • Reception and delivery is, if necessary and possible, done with transaction control
  • Consistent administration and management of the various data streams
  • Documents from different sources are fetched or delivered through a central component
  • Ownership of the configuration objects is defined
  • Automatic deployment capability of configuration objects
  • Retraceability of document reception and delivery is guaranteed
  • The reception and delivery process can be supervised and, in exceptional cases, manually controlled
  • Asynchronical delivery of documents, either directly or using batches